Today’s weird restaurant stories and all future versions are now coming to you from the friendly folks at Google. Yahoo has been replaced as my source of choice for the stories. This week I will respond in more detail to what I feel was a completely unprovoked and unmerited attack by Yahoo on restaurant servers. I am quite pleased with the ease and quality of Google news. A combo intro and preview of a scathing post in the coming week, two birds with one stone.
How about some stories:
Last week, I reported on a restaurant planning to sell lion meat tacos. Animal rights activists were very upset by this. So upset that after a series of death threats the owner has canceled this plan. I know people take the killing of animals very personally, but humans are still animals right? (Tucson, AZ)
A few months ago I covered a story about a Charlie Brown’s restaurant that closed with no notice to their customers or staff. New Jersey politicians have introduced a bill to require 60 days notice before shutting down a mid-sized business. I understand the concept, but would hate to be the manager trying to control the staff. The most commonly uttered phrase for two months would be, “What are you going to do, fire me?†(Union, NJ)
Other employees have come up with a way to take these situations into their own hands. A staff in New York felt their employers were violating their rights. This lead to several staff members carrying around mini audio recorders. This is not going to turn out well for the owners. (New York, NY)
Speaking of restaurant jerks and firing employees, this place has both covered. A server in Calgary shaved her head to show solidarity with an Uncle who had cancer. She was fired for not meeting their dress code.  This makes the managers pretty heartless folks. It also makes them tremendously bad at public relations. You can’t really spin this one. (Calgary, AB)
In Bangkok they have designed a robot to do the job of a server. I am not overly concerned about this technology taking my job. I would like to make a suggestion to others trying similar feats. How about we design a bissel that works properly for more than a week and then we start on robot servers? (Bangkok, Thailand)
I’ve always kinda liked Rep Dennis “how the hell did he land her?†Kucinich. I mean sure he admitted to seeing UFOs during one of the debates, but the guy gives one heck of a speech. Turns out he is not so good with olives. When the cafeteria at the Capitol served him an olive with the pit he endured a great deal of suffering. Suffering being code word for “pay me.â€Â (Washington, DC)
Speaking of lawsuits, a restaurant owner in Malaysia is suing a blogger for a bad review. He is also naming Google as a defendant. Being as that Google is roughly worth the entire GDP of Malaysia, I think he might be in over his head on this one. This does also mark the third straight week Malaysia has made the countdown. Something must be in the water in that part of the world. (Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia)
Last year, The Best Weird Restaurant Stories of 2010 featured a meth lab in the kitchen. This year we have an early front-runner to compete with that story. This guy lost his house and was down on his luck. He started living in the restaurant and started a garden in the attic. Locally sourced foods are a hot restaurant trend, but his garden was for growing a different sort of herb. (Cornelius, NC)
Optimists always tell people they should be grateful that they are still alive. This restaurant owner might disagree. Maybe he appreciates being alive, but after faking his own death regrets anyone else knowing. (Escambia, FL)
“Man in gorilla suit shot while attempting to rob KFC.â€Â Sometimes the headline stands on it’s own. (Richmond, KY)
I am by no means a prude. I have no issue with people watching porn in the privacy of their own home. It is between you and your computer. If you watch it on a 27-inch screen in a restaurant parking lot, it will be between you, your computer, and the police. (Corbin, KY)
Of course that is still preferable to performing a strip tease in a restaurant. Why is it that these things never happen on my shifts? I think rehab might be worth considering after this stunt. (Boston, MA)
While the last story would have been more deserving of an accompanying video, I think this one might win video of the week. A fight broke out late at night in an IHOP. That is when the camera phones came out. I have thought many times about what I would grab if a WWF style smackdown occurred in my restaurant. This clip gave me some new ideas. (Columbia, SC)
That is all for this week folks. Thoughts and prayers go out to those fighting for freedom in Egypt and Tunisia. Check back in this week to find out why Yahoo has made it to the top of my rage list. I will also be introducing some new sites to the blogroll you may not know. There is more fun stuff to read on the tabs at the top of this page. No need to leave just because you finished this post.

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