R. Charles Pennington IV is best known for his role as the Zoloft rock, but also was the lesser known character Ronnie the Roll
Being less than a week away from my 100th post has left me some time to think about how I want to recognize that milestone. I thought about a grand countdown. I thought about an retrospective on all of the changes I have seen in the restaurant business in my years. I had an idea sent to me for a very controversial point/counterpoint. I even considered just waxing poetic on the business as a whole in a pretentious and self absorbed way. I decided to skip that last one so as not to steal a certain someone’s shtick.
Instead I decided it was okay for me to phone a couple of these in. 100 posts in under 5 months is a pretty feverish pace for a blogger considering the size of most of my posts. Posts that require research have hours poured into them to try and produce something worth reading. Occasionally, I get really excited about the result. In my opinion yesterday’s post about ranch dressing might be my favorite. However after I finish this one, it may take that title. My favorite generally is the one I just wrote.
Sometimes it feels like you all disagree. I will occasionally post something that I expect to take off and be shared with the far corners of the internets. Then no one reads it. Which usually leaves me scratching my head and feverishly hitting the refresh button to see the view count go up. It ends with me sitting in the fetal position in a dark room cursing Al Gore and his silly invention.
So I figured as I was closing in on post 100, I would recap five posts that I thought were far more interesting than their view counts reflect.
Almost two months ago I wrote a post entitled “The Epiphany†that outlined what motivates people. I think it taught me a great deal about why I look at the industry the way I do. For anyone managing people (or just wanting to mock those who manage them) it is a must read in my opinion. It was posted on the Fourth of July weekend though so many people might have missed it.
When I looked at the cost of a burger and overall profit levels in restaurants, I expected it to take off. I made not one, but two original graphics for the post. I did math people. Real live math. Art and math in the same post made me pretty confident. Alas, not the response I was anticipating. If you missed it though, it is worth a read.
When the local alternative weekly wrote an article about this blog it generated some hostility. The hostile comments on their website spawned a few choice responses of my own. For those new to the blog, this was probably one you missed. It is also the only known link to a photo of yours truly without a mullet that has been posted on this blog.
One of my first attempts at humor on this blog came in the form of “Fact or Fiction.â€Â The good folks at snopes.com provided the stories surrounding some of America’s favorite foods as well as proof of their validity. I still spout facts from this post. So far 3 of these 4 posts were in June. A good spot to catch up for those who have are newer readers.
I think sometimes the problem is that I simply don’t do a good job of coming up with catchy titles. “The Evolution of Free Bread†does sound remarkably similar to “The Drying of Wet Paint.â€Â Honestly, I held back a little on that post. Here is an excerpt of what was left out:
So you marketed your rolls O’Charley’s? Really? How did that work out for you? Did you really encourage me to come in and eat your rolls after you gave them a name and a personality? Ronnie the Roll? Really? He tries so hard to make everyone happy that I should drive right over to use him to sop up my gravy. Really? Beyond which could you give me an animated character that wasn’t so familiar looking? I mean he was a lovable character when he was trying to get me to take Zoloft, but I think he just falls flat as a lovable roll. I mean really O’Charley’s. Really?
So there are my top five posts that didn’t get many views. Any that bring back fond memories? Anyone have an idea for post 100? I am always open to suggestions. Tomorrow is another installment of weird restaurant stories. In the meantime there is a paragragh that I put on the bottom of every post inviting you to join the fan page. I would love to get 100 fans before I get to 100 posts. Maybe share this with a friend or two. If you are a fan, why not announce it to the world by becoming a fan on facebook. As a special added incentive, the first 100 fans of this page will be receiving a cool offer very soon. I won’t say what it is, but if you don’t become a fan you will never get to find out. Tempted? Click the damn link already.

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