
Tag Archives | waitress

Top Ten Songs About Waitresses

In all fairness, I spend a lot of time writing posts that share valuable information about how to make more money as a server.  This is not one of those posts.  Instead today I am in a bit of a celebratory mood.  Last week, this blog finally broke the 1000 views in a week mark.  […]

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How To Flirt With Your Server

As a single man in his thirties, I can attest to the fact that it is difficult to meet people in a modern world.  It is tough to meet people in a highly cynical and technological society.  Dating co-workers is wrought with pitfalls and in social settings people move in intimidating packs.  As your social […]

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I Make Mistakes Too

It takes a certain amount of hubris to write a blog like this.  To sit back and write about how to be a better server almost implies that you think you are good enough to be emulated.  I will never claim to be the world’s greatest server.  I do consider myself humbly better than average, […]

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Clip Show: Starting a Blog

In television they call them clip shows.  Instead of producing a new show, they edit together clips of old shows to create the illusion of a new episode.  So I am right about at the two month mark on this blog.  I could dishonestly say that this post is a clip show.  In reality I […]

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