Tag Archives | Server

The Upside of Dating Co-Workers

(Note: This is part two of the point/counter-point of dating co-workers.  In part one I recalled the painful situations I have seen and experienced over the years.  Taking the side of dating co-workers is our resident Spanish language adviser and PhD candidate Senor Esparza.  He takes the position that it is in fact beneficial to […]

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Why Not To Date Co-Workers

It is that time of year.  Love or at least heavy lust is in the air.   That means just one thing in the restaurant business.  It is too hot to sit on the patio.  Well that and co-workers are starting the annual mating ritual.  At the most recent count, there are six confirmed couples at […]

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Retiring Jokes

I was 13 years old back in 1988.  I know who Flo Jo and Greg Louganis are.  I will never misspell potato.  I remember President Reagan.  I had a crush on Jessica Rabbit.  I saw Rattle and Hum on my 13th birthday because it was rated PG-13.  My girlfriend taught me to dirty dance, but […]

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How To Flirt With Your Server

As a single man in his thirties, I can attest to the fact that it is difficult to meet people in a modern world.  It is tough to meet people in a highly cynical and technological society.  Dating co-workers is wrought with pitfalls and in social settings people move in intimidating packs.  As your social […]

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I Make Mistakes Too

It takes a certain amount of hubris to write a blog like this.  To sit back and write about how to be a better server almost implies that you think you are good enough to be emulated.  I will never claim to be the world’s greatest server.  I do consider myself humbly better than average, […]

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