Tag Archives | Server

Weird Restaurant Stories 9/11

Welcome to a very special episode of Weird Restaurant Stories.  This does not mean that Arthur Carlson will try to take naked pictures of Gary Coleman while the girl from Striptease pops caffeine pills and Tom Hanks gets hammered on vanilla extract in Michael J Fox’s kitchen.  Nope, this one is even more special.  Today’s […]

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Story Time: Injuries

From the statistics I get through WordPress, I can tell that about half my traffic comes from search engines.  Which is cool and I enjoy seeing what people search for to end up at my blog.  The other half is people who came here via a link someone posted or have the page bookmarked.  For […]

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A Food Critic Intervention

There have been several instances while writing posts for this blog where I have felt the need to place blame for the things that drive me crazy about the restaurant business.  I have always managed to stop short of that because I do not want this to be a blog that complains about the problems […]

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Awkward Moments

Over the last 15 years I have spent in the service industry, I have had to change my approach.  15 years ago, I was a gangly 6-foot tall 125-pound server with a voice somewhere in the Justin Bieber range.  I looked only slightly older than him.  A head of grey hair has made me change […]

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Weird Restaurant Stories 8/21

For a while now I have tried to come up with a weekend concept for this blog.  Traffic is down on the weekends and I wanted to come up with something lighthearted for everyone to enjoy.  Last week’s point/counterpoint on why it is a good or bad idea to date coworkers didn’t work out that […]

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