Tag Archives | Restaurant

Weird Restaurant Stories 9/25

“In the restaurant industries’ war on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the reporters of local newspapers. These are their stories.”  *dun dun* Generally, I try to find some oddball stories during the course of the week to make you all chuckle on Saturdays.  I tend to read stories on Friday afternoon and […]

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My Response: 25 Things Chefs Never Tell You

I am trying to fight through the worst bout of writer’s block I have had since I started writing this blog.  I started at least three different posts yesterday that ended up in the recycle bin.  In my last post I promised to get back to some server related posts, but my brain has forced […]

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Story Time: Injuries

From the statistics I get through WordPress, I can tell that about half my traffic comes from search engines.  Which is cool and I enjoy seeing what people search for to end up at my blog.  The other half is people who came here via a link someone posted or have the page bookmarked.  For […]

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A Food Critic Intervention

There have been several instances while writing posts for this blog where I have felt the need to place blame for the things that drive me crazy about the restaurant business.  I have always managed to stop short of that because I do not want this to be a blog that complains about the problems […]

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Awkward Moments

Over the last 15 years I have spent in the service industry, I have had to change my approach.  15 years ago, I was a gangly 6-foot tall 125-pound server with a voice somewhere in the Justin Bieber range.  I looked only slightly older than him.  A head of grey hair has made me change […]

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