Tag Archives | customer service

The Upside of Dating Co-Workers

(Note: This is part two of the point/counter-point of dating co-workers.  In part one I recalled the painful situations I have seen and experienced over the years.  Taking the side of dating co-workers is our resident Spanish language adviser and PhD candidate Senor Esparza.  He takes the position that it is in fact beneficial to […]

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I Make Mistakes Too

It takes a certain amount of hubris to write a blog like this.  To sit back and write about how to be a better server almost implies that you think you are good enough to be emulated.  I will never claim to be the world’s greatest server.  I do consider myself humbly better than average, […]

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Servers Vs Dentists

Here is a little video I made discussing how people act differently in restaurants as opposed to say the dentist’s office. For more funny reflections of serving visit our new friend the only slightly cranky waitress

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