Tag Archives | 2010

Weird Restaurant Stories: Best of 2010

Welcome to the 2010 Weird Restaurant Stories finale.  After eighteen weeks and two hundred and twenty two stories, it all comes down to the final 12.  Sorting through all of these stories was much like a walk down memory lane.  I had a chance to see the evolution of this column and remember some of […]

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Recommended Reading 11/22

I recently had my first real Christmas experience of the season.  I was driving to work and got stuck behind someone who obviously had no idea how to drive outside of the suburbs.  Parking was incredibly tough to find.  Once I was parked, a group of shoppers asked for directions to a jewelry store.  Then […]

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Thank You!

I wasn’t planning on writing today, but a huge thank you is in order to all of you.  Yesterday my post titled “Ten Reasons Serving Is Not Like Your Job” crushed my previous best day.  Huge props to Tony over at Tony’s Kansas City and Yellowcat at Do You Do That At Home for linking […]

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