This post is the first in what might be a series. Occasionally, I have random thoughts that do not merit their own post, but I wish I had a way to share. This document sits on my computer as a place that I can jot them down. When it gets long enough to post, I […]
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The Christmas Arms Race
(Note: This was written in the days leading up until Christmas) It all started out innocently enough. Over the summer several of my friends and co-workers started coupling up. Between May and July we all found ourselves in relationships. Then came the couples dates. They were a fun alternative to hitting the bars after work. […]

You Can Get Anything You Want At Alice’s Restaurant (Including Trophies)
Happy Thanksgiving. Long time readers might recall me mentioning long ago a particular affection for Woody Guthrie. What you don’t know, unless you have known me for twenty years, is that it began with his son Arlo. Today, I wanted to tell you the story. Then I want to follow up the story with the […]

David Goes To Dentist
Earlier this week I mentioned a toothache that was sending me to the Dentist. What I failed to mention is that I would rather work doubles the next five days waiting on nothing but small children than go to the Dentist. So as I sit here in front of my computer trying to produce some […]

Serving Sober
I am back from vacation and sitting down at my desk again. It feels nice to get back into my writing routine. It was an incredible trip. I was able to hang out with some great old friends, see an incredible show, and revisit my roots. I was also able to share a celebration of […]
- The Greatest Customer Complaint Response Ever September 23, 2010
- Why Not To Date Co-Workers August 14, 2010
- My Response: 25 Things Chefs Never Tell You September 16, 2010
- A Food Critic Intervention August 31, 2010
- The Card August 10, 2010
- Random Thoughts from a Server 65: Beer Glasses July 20, 2013
- T-Shirts for Servers 5 July 19, 2013
- Random Thoughts from a Server 64: Chef Gordon Ramsey July 17, 2013
- Random Thoughts from a Server 63: Jealous Boyfriends July 16, 2013
- Random Thoughts from a Server 62: Wine Keys July 15, 2013
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About The Author
David Hayden was born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri. He took his first serving job in 1996. Since that time, he has worked for over a dozen different restaurant companies. He has held both hourly and salaried positions at independent and corporate restaurants. He has waited on over 100,000 guests and trained hundreds of servers. He has been named "Best Server in Kansas City" the last three years by the local weekly paper.